Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day, 2013

What started as a Facebook status for Memorial Day, turned into something that I felt need more that just Facebook "status".
Remember that "Supporting The Troops" means that we remember they are the very strongest of the "We The People". That "WE" never be thought of as a "necessary casualty" without profound consideration of the consequences of putting "We" in harm's way.
Remember that those who serve, take an oath to make the ultimate sacrifice and that by connection, those who risk losing them, silently take that oath as well. Willing or not.
Gravestones with flags planted on them for memorial day.
Remember the chaos when they return home. We must do better than empty promises and talking points.
Remember to never send any of "We", into harm's way without everything they foreseeable need.
Here are some things we can agree to pledge, if we believe this nation is "Under God", or not:
Pledge that before we put those in harms way, that we have resources before they go, that would never force them to fight when they return.
Pledge to never again put those who serve in harm's way, with talking points and patriotic phrases. If any reason to send others can fit on a bumper sticker, we need to get back to work.
Pledge to never forget things that were said, like, "Gas will be practically free, if we invade." ANY country. We cannot forget that. We must remember, so it is never repeated.
This Memorial Day, remember our "Troops" are not just talking points, buzz words and bumper stickers. Let's honor the fallen, by thinking before we act.  Always.

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