Friday, March 22, 2013

Yes, It Looks Scary, but it Will Grow Back...

I've had a wound /ulcer /hole in my knuckle for a few weeks now.  I had an upswing and it looked like it was going to close, but there is still some icky drainage going on, so I made an appointment to see my doctor to have it looked at today.
I have to say, the hole was huge two  days ago, and now the hole is smaller surrounded by healthy tissue regrowing nicely.    Inside the hole it's just gross, but very clean and rarely oozing.  With all the experience I do have as a wound care Jedi, I am not a doctor, or in other words:  I still need to go before the Jedi Counsel.
For those of you experiencing ulcers from impact, calcinosis or Raynaud's, I'll post pictures of the wound progression in Pinterest.  These wounds can be scary and insanely painful- I don't have to tell you that.  I want to post them so you know that you are not alone.  When I got these back in 1996, not only could I not find anyone else who knew how to take are of them, I knew of no one else who had experienced the weirdness that is slow healing and puss as something that occurs normally.  Not that these wounds are normal.  I do have a choice to avoid them.  I live alone and I don;t like asking for help and I love to get  out and do things. I am willing to risk infection and pain caused by a an impact injury, than sit still.  Playing with my son and having adventures that risk my bumping my hands into something or by unpacking myself and having my home the way I want, outweighs the setback of wound care.  I have accepted it as a very painful inconvenience.  I get a sore, take care of it and roll with it as it heals.  I can focus on how much it sucks, or I can tale care of the wound and focus on life around me.  It took years for me to get here.
A few of my favorite things... and I don't feel so bad...

If you are new to these ulcers, learn to take care of them.  Ask for a referral to a wound care specialist. If you are ever in a hospital, ask your nurses to see if they can score you some Medicpore tape,  Colband and cause.  Yes, stockpile and squirrel away.  Never  turn down free wound care supplies when you can get them.  Saline solution is outstanding for  rinsing wounds.  Saline filled syringes can be reused to help rinse.  In another post I will unpack my first aid kit, but for now you will have to live with a tease of a picture, but I need to get going.  I am to go before the Jedi Counsel for guidance.
Have a great day everyone!

PS:  instead of being shocked over breakfast by my waving my wounds n your face, you can to Pinterest and click to see them.   They will be up Saturday, but connect with me on Pinterest if you happen to be there.
The bandages always make it look bigger than it really is.  This is quite comfy.  

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